Gail McDougal

Gail McDougal brings over 20 years of experience in the education arena serving in roles from classroom teacher to positions at the district and state levels. She is currently serving as the School-to-Career Specialist for Wake County Public Schools where she supports the Career Development Coordinators and Career Academy Coordinators in working with business and industry. She has been trained as an instructional coach and holds a teaching license in several areas. She is a former Education Consultant at the NC Department of Public Instruction for the Business, Finance, and Marketing program area. She has served as an adjunct instructor for two community colleges.

Gail has an MBA degree and started her career in industry prior to moving into education. Using her industry experiences, she has transitioned into serving on various advisory boards. She is currently serving as the president-elect for EntreEd, a national consortium for Entrepreneurship Education.

Gail also serves as vice-president for her Homeowner’s Association.