
Explore what buzzworthy workforce development news is happening in the area.

Category: Newsletter,Articles

Healthcare Industry Rallies Behind New Workforce Initiative

The Healthcare Workforce Collaborative is a pilot program to address the growing demand for nurses. CAWD has committed $250,000 in WIOA funding to support the recruitment, education, and retention of nursing professionals. The collaborative meets quarterly and stakeholder participation is exceptionally strong throughout our region. Education Partners – NC Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Wake…

Category: Newsletter,Articles

CAWD Annual Report Released!

Our annual report for program year 2023-24 is here! If you’ve ever wondered how we’re shaping the workforce and supporting residents in our communities, this is what you’ve been waiting for. You’ll find numbers that matter (like helping over 6,500 find jobs) and stories from real people and entrepreneurs who benefited from our services. Dive…

Triangle Career Expo Mirrors Where the Jobs Are

Participating Employers Reflect Job Growth Data RALEIGH, NC — The Triangle Career Expo debuts on Thursday, September 24, 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm. showcasing a wide range of employment opportunities including some of the region’s most in-demand industries. With over 50 businesses recruiting, openings in healthcare, biopharma, construction and government are prevalent. Healthcare,…

Category: Newsletter,Articles

Summer Round: Small Grants for Reentry Projects Available

Capital Area Workforce Development Board (CAWD), in collaboration with Wake County Government, is looking to fund specific reentry projects from Wake County non-profit organizations. CAWD’s mission is to create a highly effective workforce system that provides employers with productive, skilled workers and offers citizens training and employment opportunities that promote job satisfaction and economic stability.…

Category: Articles

WIOA Four-Year Comprehensive Plan Available for Comment

CAWD’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Four-Year plan is available for public comment. View or download the plan at the link below. Submit feedback and suggestions to [email protected] by May 23, 2024. Download the Plan

Category: Articles,Reports

Triangle Talent Regional Skills Analysis: Download the Report!

What did 1,000 businesses in the Triangle region have to say about their current and future needs when it comes to workers? What skills are people currently lacking? Which industries will be hiring and which won’t?  Download the report and see for yourself! Triangle Talent Regional Skills Analysis

Category: Newsletter,Articles

More Funding Available for Reentry Projects!

CAWD is once again taking applications for small grants for reentry projects. Capital Area Workforce Development Board (CAWD), in collaboration with Wake County Government, is looking to fund specific reentry projects from Wake County non-profit organizations. CAWD’s mission is to create a highly effective workforce system that provides employers with productive, skilled workers and offers…

Category: Articles,Reports

2022 Annual Impact Report Released!

Category: Articles

Wake Partners Small Grants for Reentry Projects – Summer Round

CAWD is taking applications for small grants for reentry projects! Capital Area Workforce Development Board (CAWD), in collaboration with Wake County Government, is looking to fund specific reentry projects from Wake County non-profit organizations. These grants are in keeping with our mission to create a highly effective workforce system that provides employers with productive, skilled…

Category: RFP,Articles

RFP Issued for Marketing Services for Entrepreneurs

CAWD started Pathways to Entrepreneurship (PTE) because the success of small businesses and entrepreneurs is important for the region’s workforce and the economic vitality of the region. The consultant awarded this RFP will provide marketing services to PTE business owners to help them market their products and services effectively. Proposals must be received no later…

Category: RFP,Articles

CAWD Issues RFP for Mini-Grants Fund Manager

CAWD started Pathways to Entrepreneurship because the success of small businesses and entrepreneurs is important for the region’s workforce and economic vitality. The awardee of this RFP will manage mini-grants to help qualifying entrepreneurs mitigate the cost of starting and growing a business thereby reducing barriers many aspiring entrepreneurs face. Proposals must be received no…

Category: Articles

CAWD WIOA Plan Available for Public Comment

Capital Area Workforce Development is required to make copies of the proposed Capital Area Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) plan for program year 2023 available to the public and allow for public comment. The WIOA plan is available for download below. Please submit any comments or suggestions to Capital Area Workforce Development by email…


Capital Area Workforce Development (CAWD) and partner workforce boards split $7.2 million to provide career and reentry services to inmates at Butner Federal Correctional Complex. CAWD received $3.2M for its share of a regional reentry grant known as NC PROWD or Partners for Reentry in Workforce Development.  Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board received $2.3M and Durham…

Category: Newsletter,Articles

New Wake Partners Reentry Grant Awards

  CAWD is pleased to announce the newest recipients of the 2023 Wake Partners Reentry Grants. These organizations have decades of experience supporting adults, youth, and communities impacted by justice system involvement. We awarded $67,263.50 to support the important work they do for the community. Below is each organization’s mission and the services they provide.…

Category: Articles

Five Stars Workforce Initiative Helps Hotels

Did you know that 13 new hotels opened in Wake County in the last 2 years?  Seven more are under construction for 2023 and several more are being planned. CAWD’s new Five Stars Workforce Initiative helps hotels with a variety of talent management needs. Industry growth is spurring a serious need for people and CAWD,…

Category: Articles

RFP Update – Answers to Applicant Questions

Applicants submitted 3 questions about the RFP for the operation of NCWorks Career Centers in Wake, Johnston, Chatham, Lee, and Orange counties, and delivery of workforce services.  View answers in the link below. Answered Questions       To view the original Request for Proposals information, click here.  

Category: Articles

Small Business Workforce Forum

All businesses need a solid workforce. Whether you need 5 employees or 50, how do you hire and retain the best over the long term?  Healthy, profitable small businesses are major contributors to local economies. Let NCWorks help with talent strategies and solutions at little to no cost. Meet the NCWorks team from your area…

Category: Newsletter,Articles

CAWD Annual Report Released

Getting people back to work, helping businesses connect to the right talent, getting businesses to invest in existing talent, preparing opportunity youth for life and work…it’s all in here! Thanks to the team, board members and partners for another impactful year.

Category: Articles

Request for Proposals

Capital Area Workforce Development Program Year 2023 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Operator – Adult, Dislocated Worker & Youth Services Announcement December 1, 2022 Capital Area Workforce Development is releasing a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) for services provided under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Funding is available for the WIOA Operator, Adult,…

CAWD Wins ‘Youth Program of the Year’ Award For Apprenticeship Prep Program

Capital Area Workforce Development (CAWD) has won the 2022 Youth Program of the Year award for its apprenticeship prep program that prepares youth and young adults prepare for in-demand occupations. The award was presented by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP). CAWD’s team accepted the award at NAWDP’s 2022 Youth Symposium in Charlotte…

Category: Articles

Apply for a Wake Partners Reentry Project Grant

CAWD is taking applications for small grants to be used for reentry projects! Capital Area Workforce Development, in collaboration with Wake County Government, is looking to fund specific reentry projects of local non-profit organizations. These projects must show an understanding of the needs and barriers faced by individuals whose lives have been impacted by the…

Category: Articles

Former Diner Employee Serves up Success With Help From NCWorks in Clayton

In Aug. 2022, Jennifer Kehrer, completed an 11-week training course at Johnston Community College to receive her ServSafe Manager certification, elevating her from a part-time job at a diner to a full-time position in the hospitality industry.  This certification, made possible by a training scholarship from NCWorks, provided Kehrer with the resources to pursue a…

Category: Articles

Strategic Initiatives Manager Wanted!

CAWD is looking for a new Strategic Initiatives Manager! This is a vital person to the team that will seek out new funding sources for workforce development activities, oversee special projects, and more. Become a part of the Wake County team! View the full job description and apply HERE.

Category: Newsletter,Articles


Capital Area Workforce Development (CAWD) provides workforce development solutions to help all businesses with talent needs. Wake County hotels and the hospitality industry are facing a massive worker shortage and unfortunately, data shows that over the next 5 years, the problem is not likely to improve to pre-covid levels. Not having enough workers has many…

Category: Newsletter,Articles

Labor Market Overview

The most recent labor market overview released by the NC Department of Commerce reflects data for the month of May. Key data points for Wake County: Unemployment rate: 3.0% – an increase of .2 from previous month /.4% less than the state/.6% less than the nation. #Unemployed: 18.900 – up 1,534 over the previous month,…

Category: Articles

Job Search Depression. Yes, it’s Real.

Unemployment and depression tend to go hand-in-hand and the pandemic certainly hasn’t helped. What we do for a living is a part of our identity and the hunt for work leaves many feeling rejected, anxious and pessimistic. Even those in the workforce are getting stressed out. Hence, “the great resignation” has businesses struggling to find…

Category: Articles

SelmaWorks! Vendors Announced

What do you need to move to the next level in your career and in life? SelmaWorks! has it! Education completion or continuation Credential attainment Job training Scholarships for training programs Overcoming barriers due to justice involvement Veterans support Temporary assistance for needy families …and more! Participating organizations: NCWorks and NextGen Career Centers Johnston Community…

SelmaWorks! Brings Resources to the People

April 7, 2022 – The SelmaWorks! Resource Fair will take place at the Richard B. Harrison Gymnasium from 10am-2pm on Friday, April 22. The event is a partnership between Capital Area Workforce Development (CAWD), NCWorks, Johnston Community College and Johnston County Public Schools. The resource fair will feature several organizations that provide services to help…

Category: Articles

WakeLRC Commemorates Second Chance Month

April is Second Chance Month in North Carolina, a time to focus attention on the challenges facing the more than 20,000 people returning to their communities each year after incarceration. The Wake Local Reentry Council has multiple events planned, each designed to inspire action and enable change. These activities not only help reentry clients, but…

Category: Articles

CAWD Awards $100,000 in Wake Partners Grants to Community Organizations

Capital Area Workforce Development Board in collaboration with Wake County Government is excited to announce the latest recipients of Wake Partners grants. The purpose of the grants is always to provide impactful community-based solutions. This year’s recipients specialize in reentry services. Grant awards total $100,000 and are funded through December 31, 2022. The recipients are:…

Category: Articles

“Capital Ideas” Podcast Just Launched!

CAWD’s first video podcast is now available! Capital Ideas features people of organizations that are driving economic vitality through initiatives that uplife residents, support businesses, and make the region a great place to live, work, and play for everyone. Episode 1 features CAWD’s reentry team that is doing amazing, innovative work to help formerly incarcerated…

Category: Articles

Electrical Apprenticeship Prep Program starts Feb 28th!

CAWD’s Apprenticeship Prep Program will start a 2nd cohort of learners on February 28th. The program is for 16-24 year olds in Wake County and will focus on the electrical career pathway. Electricians can work in a residential environment, commercial settings, and for utility companies. They are in charge of all the wires that help…

Category: Newsletter,Articles

Request for Proposals! Capital Area Apprenticeship Prep (CAAP)

CAWD’s new CAAP program connects young adults aged 16-24 to meaningful credentials and successful careers. We are looking for training providers that can deliver pre-apprenticeship training as well as connect qualified participants to Registered Apprenticeships. The current focus is on pre-apprenticeships in information technology, but we will accept proposals in other sectors including construction/skilled trades,…

Category: Articles

“Wake Partners” Grants Available for Reentry Projects

CAWD is making a new round of Wake Partners grants available to local non-profits for reentry projects. Funding comes from Wake County’s portion of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars. Wake County is committed to supporting initiatives that make a positive difference in the lives of people who historically have been disproportionately marginalized, disenfranchised, and…

Category: Articles

“Back to Work 50+” Workshop Starts Jan. 26th

The first BTW50+ workshop was so successful, we’re bringing it back! Mature workers often have plenty of work experience, but face tough competition with other demographic groups when searching for work. Back to Work 50+ features a curriculum by AARP. Participants will learn how to use their assets, increase their confidence, and more. Interested? Attend…

Category: Articles

Join Our Team!

Enjoy helping others? There’s plenty to be done at CAWD so we are growing! Our customers include job seekers at all stages of their job search and businesses. Follow the links to our current openings and become a part of our innovative, hard-working team. Small Business Manager Reentry Case Manager Behavioral Health Case Manager

Category: Articles

NCWorks & NextGen Services Available at Selma Library

Capital Area’s NCWorks and NextGen Career Centers are now providing services at the Selma Library. According to American Community Survey (ACS) data, the median household income for the Town of Selma is less than $40,000 and the poverty level is 19%. Having NCWorks career services available in the immediate area eliminates the need for adult…

Category: Articles

WRAL Capital Area Career Expo Goes VIRTUAL!

CAWD and WRAL have partnered for the 13th time to bring employers and job seekers together. The WRAL Capital Area Career Expo is being presented in a virtual environment that allows interaction between recruiters and job seekers similar to an in-person event. Job seekers can visit an employer booth, review company information, benefits, and job…

Category: Articles

CAWD Wins Angel of Hope Award for Reentry Leadership

CAWD’s reentry team and staff accepted Interfaith Prison Ministry for Women’s (IPMW) Angel of Hope Award for our leadership as the intermediary agency for the Wake Local Reentry Council.    As intermediary, the team facilitate communication and coordination of resources between the member organizations of the council who together help women (and men) transition back…

Category: Articles

Apprenticeship Prep Program Now Taking Applications!

CAWD’s Apprenticeship Prep Program (APP) is taking applications! Selected youth and young adult participants will learn about the electrical career pathway. Apprenticeships are ideal because classroom instruction and hands-on job training occur simultaneously AND apprentices enjoy increasing wages as they progress. APP will be managed by the NCWorks NextGen Career  Center in Raleigh. It is…

Category: Articles,Reports

CAWD Annual Report Released

CAWD released its annual report for program year 2020-2021. This year’s edition features video testimonials from job seekers and business customers that reflect the impact of workforce services on the lives and livelihoods of our customers. Please direct any questions about the information to [email protected]. VIEW/DOWNLOAD ANNUAL REPORT

Category: Articles

CAWD Awarded $1.9M to Help Workers Affected by Pandemic

CAWD is one of the first 9 recipients of CAREER grants awarded by the US Department of Labor to support communities disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The total award exceeds $1.9 million dollars. CAREER National Dislocated Worker Grants will support organizations serving individuals affected disproportionately by pandemic-driven layoffs, including people of color, Native Americans,…

Category: Articles

What’s Up at CAWD?

The July edition of Workforce Matters, CAWD’s quarterly newsletter, is available HERE!

Category: Articles

Partnership for Biotechnology Training

The career potential offered in life sciences is tremendous. CAWD is partnering with Wake Technical Community College, North Carolina Biotechnology Center (NCBiotech) and our NCWorks Career Centers will help more people transition into this important, global industry, especially those whose jobs were negatively impacted by COVID. Biowork training is offered at no cost to those…

Category: Articles

CAWD Awarded $100,000 for Youth Apprenticeship Preparation

The North Carolina Department of Commerce has awarded CAWD a grant for $100,000 for the Capital Area Apprenticeship Prep Program (APP). CAWD is one of three workforce boards to receive a grant specifically to expand employment and training services for youth and young adults. .The program will provide young people with education, career readiness skills…

Category: Articles

ADA Day – How to Drive Inclusivity Post-COVID

A silver lining of the pandemic was that many companies were able to shift to a remote work environment, making it easier for jobs to be performed anywhere BUT the office. This served people with disabilities well as it eliminated struggles like transportation barriers. Now that businesses are looking to have employees come back to…

Category: Articles

Growing Tech Talent: It’s Everybody’s Business

With more big tech moving to the Triangle, non-tech companies will need new strategies to recruit and retain IT talent. This event is for • Non-IT companies with IT talent needs • Organizations struggling to find and keep entry-level IT positions • Companies interested in creative ways to recruit or train IT talent During the…

Category: Articles

Vulnerable vs. MOST Vulnerable Community

With help from Wake County Long Range Planning, CAWD took a deeper dive into Wake’s vulnerable communities. The question was are we serving the pockets within these communities with the greatest need? Once the pockets were identified, we sought verification and agreement from community partners and other organizations that operate in those areas. In Wake…

Category: Articles

Johnston’s Vulnerable vs. MOST Vulnerable Community

CAWD took a deeper dive into the region’s vulnerable communities. The question was are we serving the pockets within these communities with the greatest need? Once the pockets were identified, we sought verification and agreement from community partners and other organizations that operate in those areas. In Johnston, we concluded that Selma needs our attention.…

Category: Articles

CAWD/IBM Collaboration Offers Free Seminars for Small Business Owners

Unemployed? Job impacted by COVID-19? Jobs in the biotechnology industry save lives and deliver…

Category: Articles

CAWD-Annual Report 2019-20

 -CAWD-Annual Report 2019-20   We are excited to bring you highlights from another successful year of building a better workforce! Click the image to view.     Annual report link    

Category: Articles

All New Virtual Triangle Career Expo!

All New Virtual Triangle Career Expo! The region’s workforce development partners are hosting the Triangle Career Expo on October 8th from 9 am to 2 pm using Premier Virtual. Several large and small employers have already signed up including Credit Suisse, Advance Auto Parts, Duke University and Duke Health and Wegmans.  Available positions include entry…

Category: Articles

CAWD Announces First Ever Recipients of “Wake Partners” Grant

August 26, 2020 CAWD Announces First Ever Recipients of “Wake Partners” Grant Fourteen nonprofits awarded grants to aid individuals affected by COVID-19 Capital Area Workforce Development is happy to announce that it will fund 14 projects for community-based organizations through the new “Wake Partners” grant program. Awards total just over $800,000 and will be used…

Category: Articles

Information Technology Apprenticeship Program is Recruiting

Information Technology Apprenticeship Program is Recruiting! Capital Area Workforce Development is looking for qualified candidates to participate in the ISG Information Technology Apprenticeship Program (ITAP). The goal of the program is to combine classroom learning with real-world experience so students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful IT professionals. We are seeking 15–20…

Category: Articles

“Reopen Wake” Covid-19 Employee Training

Reopen Wake is a two-module, online training that will help employers prepare team members to return to work using appropriate precautions. CAWD is pleased to offer this training at no-cost to eligible Wake County businesses. This program specifically connects businesses in Wake County’s vulnerable communities with necessary funding and training that will get employers and…

Category: Articles

2020 WIOA Plan Open for Public Comments

Capital Area Workforce Development is required to make copies of the proposed Capital Area Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) plan available to the public and allow for public comment. The 4-year plan is available via the links below. Please submit comments or suggestions by email to [email protected] by 5 p.m. on June 18, 2020.…

Category: Articles

Business Input Needed for Regional Skills Analysis

The region was on pace for incredible growth and development prior to COVID-19. While it might take time to regain that momentum, the Regional Skills Analysis can help us get on track as it’s important to understand the subtle nuances of our workforce. As workforce leaders, we your participation. This survey is not a study that will…

Category: Articles

Unemployment Claims by County Now Available in North Carolina

The NC Department of Commerce published a dashboard to view unemployment insurance (UI) claims by local area. Users can search by county, workforce development board or see cumulative data for the state. In the press release, Commerce noted that not all claims will be eligible for benefit payments. CAWD will be summarizing and distributing monthly…

Category: Articles

Business Resources CV-19

NCWorks has a new site with everything you need to know about managing your business and workforce through this crisis. Click here If your workforce was impacted by COVID-19, you can also schedule a virtual meeting with your local NCWorks Career Center for information on resources to get your business thriving again.  

Category: Articles

Help with Job Loss Due to Coronavirus

Raleigh, March 18,2020 – Capital Area Workforce Development’s (CAWD) NCWorks Career Center network is providing employment services to Wake County residents virtually. Individuals experiencing job loss due to coronavirus or those looking for education and training resources can do so without visiting a career center in person. “Social distancing is the order of the day and we…

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