Participants Needed for YouthBuild Construction Training and Education Program
Raleigh, NC, January 30, 2018 – Capital Area Workforce Development (CAWD) is looking for youth and young adults to participate in YouthBuild. YouthBuild provides education, construction skills training, and job placement opportunities to eligible 14-24 year olds from areas of Raleigh with higher poverty rates and unemployment. Participants will build affordable homes for low-income families during the training.
“In Wake County alone, the construction industry is projected to grow over 2,000 jobs in the next five years, but employers have jobs they can’t fill today. This program is one way to help fill that talent pipeline and connect young people with limited education, training and work experience to a field with long-term career potential. The fact that the hands-on portion of their learning will occur as they work on affordable housing is really the icing on the cake,” said Pat Sturdivant, Executive Director at CAWD.
Partners for the project include City of Raleigh, Habitat for Humanity of Wake County, North Carolina Home Builders Association, Associated Builders and Contractors – Carolina Chapter, and NCWorks.
Interested applicants or their parents can access all eligibility requirements and additional information at here.
About Capital Area Workforce Development Board
CAWD is a public-private partnership and 501(c)3 largely funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. Through collaborations with business, government, education and others in Wake and Johnston Counties, the organization has developed state and nationally-recognized workforce programs, connected businesses to the education system and workforce resources, and helped thousands to gain employment and contribute to the prosperity of the community.